SCX Compact track vs Artin track

When I got my SCX Compact F1 set I thought I could build a huge track using also my Artin tracks. But I was disappointed, they can be put together. In these pictures you can see the differences in connection, width and texture (you can even bend it a little bit). One question, can you see which is the Artin and the SCX Compact or you need me to tell you? I am not sure, but I think you can use Jiada with Artin and SCX Compact with Carrera GO, can anybody confirm it?

Thank you,


Anonymous said…
While Jiada track has the same texture and flexibility as SCX it is combatible with older style Artin Track. Except the 4 lane Artin track. Artin also makes and adapter tho fit old Artin to new Artin. This adapter would also work with Jiada. Actually you could make the adapter yourself.
thanks Jeff