SCX, Scalextric in Spain

SCX, Scalextric in Spain has had a long history, and a lot of problems. Its beginnings, and the curiosity of the shared name with the British company Scalextric, Superslots in Spain, is explained in one of my first posts Spanish Scalextric or SCX in the rest of the world.
After Tecnitoys, the brand belonged to fabrica de juguetes Fabrica de juguetes from 2012 to 2016. After many problems and keeping a toy line called WRC WRC, the brand Scalextric/SCX belongs from 2017 to Scale Competition Xtreme, SL. (SCX, SL.) Scalextric.

This new company has started focusing on the 1/43 line, will they work as a toy company or will they be back in the hobby field?

Please share your thoughts.

And Merry Christmas!

A video, in Spanish, from the company Video
