My F1 SCX Compact cars

I have been playing with my two new cars and I do like them, they run smooth, without any stop or interruption, they keep on track easily although if you push them hard or hit the turbo boost button too close to a bend, you are out. They are not just toy cars as the Artin ones, impossible to take them out of the track. They run better on the SCX Compact track but their performances are also good on the Artin track I have. But, you can also find some problems. If you look close enough to the Mc Laren picture you will realize the paint is not so perfect and the car can even look¨"old". It is better in the Ferrari. And you can also appreciate how "high" the guide is. This keeps the front wheels from touching the tracks, what make them a little bit "weird". The front axle is different from the 1/32 cars, in these smaller cars it is fixed, it does not move. But, in spite of these details, I like these cars and enjoy a lot of hours playing with them,what I think, it is the important thing...
