Cartrix Slot

This a small spanish company that makes slot cars and accesories with a very good quality, here you have their web page and their distributor in USA and this is what they say about themselves in their web page

"Mecánica del Modelismo, S.L. it is a small company devoted to the cars and spare parts manufacture for slot (1/32) that sells under the brand CARTRIX.
CARTRIX it is a dynamic brand that directs their products to user as to other companies.
In this page you can see all the products that CARTRIX sells for the slot enthusiasts. If you are a manufacturer or club and need special quantities or even custom parts; not doubt in consulting us, perhaps we could help you.
Mecánica del Modelismo, S.L. Polígono Industrial Carrús C/ Segorbe, 37 03206 Elche (Alicante) España Telf: (+34) 96 666 13 69 Fax: (+34) 96 545 88 99 "

Here is the picture of one of their nice cars, a BMW-Z3 Roadster Soft Top.

And some of their other products,
