I finally tried my new SCX compact cars last weekend. I have an Artin Track, cheap and fairly good. I first tried both Nascar cars, they went smooth and fast, but I had a problem, they used to
jump after the lap counter. I realized which the problem was later. For guides, SCX Compact have the normal ones they have in 1/32, long ones. In Artin and Carrera GO they are just pins. So in the counter track the SCX Compact jumped from the track. Once the problem was solved they ran O.K. Then I try one of them against an Artin one. First again a truck from the Havy jitters set and then against a Corvette. There was no competition in any of them. The truck never goes out of the track, it does not matter how fast you go, it is just a toy and the Corvette was too nervous and not fast enough for the Ford Fusion. Later on I tri
ed it against the Carrera Go Viper, this one is a better one than the Artin, but it was not as good as the SCX Compact. So if for almost the price of an Artin car and cheaper than a Carrera Go you can get a SCX Compact, the result is easy. The problem is that there are only two different set on sale (Tuning and Nascar). So SCX please, make more different sets...