Scx compact (1/43) Nascar cars

Hello again. Last weekend I finally got my first two SCX compact cars. They are the Ford Fusion Office Depot #99 and De Walt #17. As soon as I can I will try them in the 1/43 track I have (it is an Artin one with few volts, so I do not know how they will run). But today, I can show their first picture, still inside the box. As soon as I try them, I will post pictures of them alone and comparing with Artin 1/43 and Carrera Go slot cars. The first impression is they are bigger, that is for real, and they look better. See you soon. I forgot to say, the price is good, very good if you compare with Carrera Go and even with Artin (or their second name, Fast Lane), is $19.99 for both of them.
